It's Simple...Hope
/Photo by Michiel Ronde on Unsplash
It’s so much easier to serve and be with people who appreciate and respect us, than to serve and be with those who disrespect and mistreat us. It’s downright hard and challenging to do so for any period of time. Fortunately most often at least, there is some of both. We are surrounded by those who are encouraging and appreciative, along with those who are not. If left up to us I think it’s pretty safe to say most of us would choose to hang with the easy comfortable group. You know, those who love us and love what we say and do? Who wouldn’t choose that group?
Luke chapter 4 starts out with Jesus being tempted during his 40 days of fasting in the wilderness. At the end of the 40 days tired, hungry, and in a vulnerable state, he returns to his hometown of Nazareth. At first the people are pleased with him, but quickly turned on him when he said something they didn’t like. They not only ran him out of town, but were planning to throw him off a cliff! In contrast to the treatment Jesus received in his hometown, the people of Capernaum were amazed at his teaching and miracles and begged him to stay with them. They wanted more of what Jesus had to offer. Jesus loved these people and I’m sure the temptation to stay was intensified after the treatment he received in his hometown.
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash
Jesus chose to say no to something good in order to say yes to something greater. The call and purpose of Jesus’ life was not limited to Capernaum. He had a much greater call that would include more rejection, betrayal, beatings beyond our imagination, and ultimately death. As Max Lucado puts it, “He resisted the undertow of the people by anchoring to the rock of his purpose: employing his uniqueness to make a big deal out of God everywhere he could.”
In applying this to us; we also are called to employ our uniqueness to make a big deal out of God everywhere we can. I have people in my life thankfully that cheer me on and encourage me, and that feels really good. I like to be around those people. But my purpose and call goes beyond my own encouragement and good feelings. I am called to use my unique God given gifts and talents to make a big deal out of God everywhere I can. That requires me to step out of what’s comfortable and safe at times and trust that God’s got my back. I might be labeled a “weird Jesus freak” or “religious” or worse, but in the end it’s so much bigger than me and what people think of me. It’s all about Him and all that he’s done in my life.
Photo by Jonathan Rados on Unsplash
I’ll be honest, I worry way too much about what people think of me. And if you know me at all, or you’ve read much of my blog, you know that’s true. But I’ll tell you what has become greater than my fear of people’s opinions of me, and that is my desire to share the hope I’ve found and experienced in Jesus. I’m writing a book to share the story of how Jesus has employed his battle plan over the course of my life, to overcome the destruction plan that was enacted when I was born. That is the case for you too, for every single one of us. I know that sounds dramatic but it’s true. John 10:10 says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
Romans 8:28 is one of my life verses. It says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Every single one of us has been called according to his purpose, but not all of us have recognized or answered that call yet. My point is that the calling on my life is to share the absolute night and day transformation God has done in my life. Every bit of my tragedies, pain, insecurities, and fears, have been used for good. The fact that God refuses to allow our pain to be wasted is incredibly beautiful. He gives purpose to our pain. What? I LOVE that! The fact that what Satan intended to take me out with, God used to make me strong is incredible! Can you tell I’m passionate about this? (insert emoji!)
Okay, let me calm down a bit and get back to the main message...You have been called according to God’s purpose. Your calling is individually unique. He sees you. He knows you. Personally. Intimately. He created you with that call and gifted you to live out that unique personal call in a way only you can. Safety and comfort call to us too, but don’t camp out there. We need safety and comfort for sure. We need that safe place to hunker down and rest and be filled up and reminded, but then we are called to take that filling out to the world. I was so lost and without hope at a point in my life and I’m forever grateful God rescued me. Part of that rescue included people who had been where I was and shared their hope. It’s that simple. As Jesus went out into the world to share the hope he brought, we are also called to share the hope he brought. Share it in your own unique way whatever that looks like. The hope of Jesus...the message of Christmas.