Life Coaching & Gallup Strengths Coach
I love it when science reinforces the bible. One way this is evidenced is in the fact that we are hardwired biologically for connection. God made us relational and we need to know we belong and that we have worth and a purpose. Through my own struggles and studies I have found truths to help push through the lies and onto a path of freedom to be who you are created to be.
As Paul said in Philippians 3:12-13, “I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead...”
Through the training and education I’ve received through NSI and Dream Mentors International Life Coaching Institute, I count it a pleasure to help families, individuals, and leadership committees through the following workshops and coaching opportunities:
Coaching Services
Gain a better understanding of yourself and how you think and process information
Gain a better understanding of your partner/child and how they think and process information
Learn to work with rather than against the natural giftings
More effective communication
Gain a greater respect and appreciation for your partner/child
Understand how to relate more effectively
Understand a spouse’s parenting style resulting in less conflict
Gain direction in college and career choices
Can help achieve balanced leadership
Enable each member to understand self and strengths
Enable each member to understand committee members and strengths
Understand how to relate and communicate more effectively
Respect and appreciate differences
Work more cohesively and effectively
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
If what Psalm 139 says is true, that we are each fearfully and wonderfully made, then why are so many of us struggling with feelings of unworthiness, depression, anxiety, and fear?
This workshop will empower with:
Ability to rid shame of its power
A greater understanding of self
Permission to be uniquely you
Passion in your purpose
“I’m so thankful for Kim, and for the opportunity to know more about myself and appreciate my God given strengths. I think with Kim’s coaching, and this new awareness I will make better decisions on future goals.”