/Jesus the Son of God, born as a baby human in a stable no less, full of animals and all that goes along with them. Born to an unwed teenager. Not at all what the Jewish people of the day envisioned of the Messiah’s coming. Not what anybody expected. I mean the Messiah, the Son of the One True God, born in a filthy animal stable? Why? The entire story of Jesus’ coming is such a contradiction of a Kings arrival.
In that day the Roman rulers were considered to be like gods. They lived lavishly and would have never under any circumstances within their control have allowed a child of theirs to be born in such circumstances. The irony here. When Jesus entered our world, the first to receive the news were the lowly shepherds out in the fields caring for their sheep. The Roman rulers would have announced the birth of their sons to the elite important royal folks without a thought for the humble ordinary people.
Photo by Michael D Beckwith
Jesus came for all of time and He came for all people. He came for the elite and powerful, but he also came for the ordinary people. He came as an ordinary person born to ordinary young parents who were willing to have their integrity questioned and lives forever changed. Joseph and Mary both chose to entrust their integrity, reputations, and even their very lives to God. Joseph had to be willing to look like a fool. Your fiance is pregnant and your not the father, and she’s still a virgin? And Mary. How do you explain to your fiance that your a pregnant virgin carrying the Son of God? But they did it and they did it without the full of knowledge of the end result.
Photo by Steve Knutson
Why all the ordinary? So that you will know that you are the one He came for. You are the reason He was willing to become a helpless baby boy. As Mary held the baby she gave birth to, she realized she held God. Jesus was held by an earthly mother so that you and I could be held by Him. The gift of Christmas.